How to quit the
10 days of retreat
to quit cocaine
¿Quieres dejar de sufrir a causa de la cocaína?
Desde 1984, el equipo de expertos liderado por el renombrado Psicólogo Clínico Bernardo Ruiz Victoria ha venido desarrollando el método de rehabilitación Programa Victoria, un enfoque de tratamiento y recuperación de adicciones que ha logrado resultados altamente positivos, lo que ha llevado a su reconocimiento tanto a nivel nacional como internacional por parte de diversos organismos y entidades.
The core of our treatment for overcoming cocaine addiction focuses on training you to deal with anxiety, depression, negative moods and, most importantly, providing you with the tools necessary to overcome external or internal temptations.
Symptoms of addiction
Consume increasingly larger quantities and more frequently
Feelings of guilt after a consumption episode
Setting out to quit, or limiting consumption, and not being able to achieve it
Concern of family and friends
Anxiety or depression during and after consumption
Continuous relapses despite promises not to do it again
Neglect of family, work or social responsibilities.
In addition, we teach you how to manage your free time constructively and to be prepared to face risky situations that may trigger a relapse. This ultimately leads to a significant improvement in quality of life, allowing you to sustainably maintain abstinence.
Our therapeutic approach to cocaine addiction is unmatched in terms of its execution and the results achieved. We approach cocaine-related problems with absolute discretion, professionalism and passion , tailoring our solutions to each person's individual needs. We seek to provide tailored responses for each unique situation.